
A lot of parents wish to educate their young ones as early as possible, which is why Cambridge-Red Oak developed the daycare program. This program is suitable for infants and toddlers between the ages of 0—3.

The classes are thematically divided into five sessions. It takes into account the children’s ability to learn in different stages of their development: morally, intellectually, physically and psychologically.

  • 4Q Classes

    One of the best ways to help toddlers improve their physical, social and cognitive skills is to allow them to freely interact with their parents. Simply through playing games, they will begin to build up a balanced skill set.

  • Creative M.A. Courses

    In this course, depending on their age, children receive different thematic arts and crafts projects. These hands on sessions help them explore their creative talents, at the same time, learn to be grateful for the wonderful objects around them.

    All of our teachers here are carefully selected childcare professionals. If you would like to learn more about this program, visit your local Cambridge Red Oak Kindergarten.